Initial health assessment (IHA)

We aim to complete your Initial Health Assessment within 20 working days of becoming a Child in Care, dependant on when we receive your referral from the local authority. This is a health check-up with a doctor who is trained to help and look after children and young people.
The health assessment is so we can make sure that you are healthy and happy. We will talk to you about your body, your emotions and how you have been feeling recently.
Once you've had the initial health assessment, you will have six monthly or yearly review health assessments, depending on your age.
Explore the topics on this page:
What will happen at the assessment
The initial health assessment is to see how you are doing and settling into your new foster home.
Your initial health assessment will be at one of the following clinics:
- Edwin Lobo Centre in Luton
- Child Development Centre in Kempston, Bedford
- Union Street Clinic in Bedford
You can choose who comes to the assessment with you. You can come with your carer, family member or a social worker. If you are old enough, you can come by yourself or with a friend.
Physical examination
The physical examination is so we can check how much you are growing and how healthy you are.
You can choose who is in the room with you and the doctor during the exam. You may wish to have your carer, family member, social worker or friend with you. or you may want to be alone. You will also be given the option of having another healthcare professional to observe. This is called a chaperone. They are a neutral person watching the examination.
At the initial health assessment we will take your height and weight measurements. This is so we can check how much you are growing. It can often be used to find out how healthy you are.
You will also be offered a physical exam which may include the doctor:
- listening to your heart and chest
- checking your eyes, ears and teeth
Chat with the doctor
You'll have a chat with the doctor about what has been happening and how you have been feeling recently. We may ask questions like:
- How are you doing?
- How you are settling into your foster home?
- Has there been anything on your mind or upsetting you recently?
- How are you finding school?
- Do you have a favourite subject?
- What makes you happy?
- Do you have someone to talk to?
- Are you taking any medicine or medications?
- Do you smoke?
Some areas of the discussion may be difficult. But we will be led by you and what you want to talk about.
This is a great time to talk about your worries or ask any questions you have. It can be about anything from what you should be eating to conversations about relationships and sex or vaping and drugs. If the doctor is unable to answer your questions during the chat, they will help you find the right person or organisation who can help you.
Remember our doctors know a lot of children and young people. So whatever you tell us will not surprise, shock or embarrass us.
The chat you have with the doctor is private and confidential. We may need to share information to professionals such as your GP, social worker and other health professionals who are involved in looking after you.
You can let us know if there are things that you do not want us to share. But, if you tell us something that means you or someone else are not safe, we must tell someone. We will always talk to you before doing this, and if you have any questions about this your doctor can explain it to you.
Health report
After the assessment, the doctor will write a health report. This report will contain information about your physical assessment and some elements of your chat. The report will tell other people involved in your care how to best meet your health needs.
The report will be sent to your GP, social worker and health professionals who are involved in your care. This report will be added to the health records which can be accessed by your child's health visitor or school nurse.
You can let us know if there's anything you would not like to be included within the health report.
Next steps after the health assessment
Your next health assessment will be 6 months (for children under 5) and 1 year (for children and young people aged 5 to 18). It will be called a review health assessment. It will be completed by a specialist nurse.
In between our appointments you may still have contact with other professionals such as the health visitor, school nurse, paediatrician, mental health support, or other health professionals.
Still worried about something?
Do you have any questions you didn't get to ask? It's not too late.
Some people may not feel comfortable talking to the doctor face-to-face about their worries or concerns. If you still have worries or questions, you can ask a nurse on ChatHealth.
ChatHealth is a secure and confidential text messaging service. This means that we will not tell anyone about what you send us. So you can talk to us about all sorts of issues like bullying, relationships, drugs, alcohol and much more.
Last reviewed: 1 November, 2024